While the Cincinnati Spring rollercoaster ride continuesl, Aeqai covers several exciting exhibitions for your avid interest.
Two features in the NCECA spotlight: Jorge Rodriguez reviews Unlikely Assemblages at the Annex gallery, Pendleton. The Cincinnati Art Museum contributes to the NCECA conference be sponsoring the ceramic artist residency of Robert Luogo, Check out the coverage of Hi Def Archives through the critical eye of Cynthia Kukla.
Also note: Though regretfully not reviewed, several area ceramic artists were featured at the Kennedy Heights Art Center exhibition, Ebb and Flow through April 1.
Sue Spaid revisited an obscure and uniquely American painting movement in an exhibition entitled Another World: The Transcendental Painting Group: 1938-1945, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Sue reports on this movement that goes beyond the physical world to new concepts of spirituality.
Helen Rindsberg highlights The Prints of Saitō Kiyoshi, and the unique niche of this expressive work in 20th century Japanese printmaking.
Finally, Laura Hobson writes about our very own unique American Sign Museum and their planned site expansion and the new audience engagement programming in the works.
We thank you our readership for your continuing interest and support of our mission.