October 2022 – Editor’s comments

Marlene Steele

In this posting, we present the Return to Rencontres Part II, as Mr. Messer journals his experiences, observations and conclusions. 

Laura Hobson writes up the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company, interviewing the founder, several personages in administration and dancers who are bringing their talents to the performances. 

Josh Beckelhimer walks you through the Regen Projects Tribute to Lawrence Weiner who passed away last year. The exhibition is titled: Stars Don’t Stand Still in the Sky

We are highlighting the installation of a new art sculpture and park dedication to the legacy of Ezzard Charles, boxing legend and son of Cincinnati’s West End.

Next month here in Cincinnati, the FotoFocus Biennial—the largest photography and lens-based art biennial in America will be in full swing. We hope to bring you several reviews highlighting these exhibitions on the regional agenda.

We appreciate YOU, our readership for your interest and continuing support!

Marlene Steele

Editor, Aeqai