Letter From Richmond, VA: Judith Godwin and Arlene Shechet at the Anderson Gallery

Pairing the work of Judith Godwin and Arlene Shechet seems odd.  But that’s just what Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts has done in Judith Godwin:  Early Abstractions and Arlene Shechet:  That Time at the Anderson Gallery in Richmond, Virginia.  The two rooms on the first floor feature Shechet’s work while Godwin garners the […]

Poetry Corner

Editor’s note: Aeqai welcomes Maxwell Redder to its stable of writers and critics.  Redder, a recent DAAP graduate, is an outstanding poet, and since art and poetry often intertwine, we are introducing Maxwell’s Poetry Corner as a regular aeqai feature.  For awhile, all the poems will be Redder’s.   The Sound     The sound […]

Area Sculptor 3D Sculpture at CAM

When I was first approached about writing this appreciation of a piece at the Cincinnati Art Museum, I was absolutely confident in my choice. As many times as I had entered through those majestic doors, I knew where I was first drawn. No matter what new exhibit had just opened, I had to make my […]

Reflection at Red Pond

Helen Frankenthaler  1928-2011 A phone call from a long time friend of mine alerted me to the passing of this reknowned woman whose approach to painting contributed to and influenced the gestural abstract movement of the 50′ s and 60’s. “I never usually read the obits in the New York Times” Marilyn began,” but I […]

Sun on Prospect Street (Gloucester, Mass), Edward Hopper, 1934

When asked to discuss a significant piece of art that is part of the Cincinnati Art Museum’s permanent collection, the piece that immediately came to mind was a medium-sized painting by Edward Hopper.  I first came into contact with the piece about a decade ago.  I was still in college and had to create a […]

Samson and Delilah

Flesh. It gleams and swells in Samson and Delilah, giving us the whole story before we can recall the details. It shows us her allure and his weakness. It gives life to this picture, but it is made from paint brushed across a wooden panel. In Rubens’ hands, paint and flesh transform a morality tale […]

Calm at the Center: Stacie Seuberling

Editor’s Note:  The following is reprinted from the October 2011 issue of The Artist’s Magazine. Stacie Seuberling’s landscapes may seem like sets for Romantic ballets; the movement of trees equates to the movement of bodies in space; the lines convey form against curtains of color. Smaller in scale than a stage set, however, their magic […]

Dancing with Shadows

I am sure those who frequent the Cincinnati Art Museum have specific artworks or galleries they look forward to visiting.  For me visiting these artworks induces a hyper-awareness of the space, forms and color that surround me and provide a sensation like no other.  Several places at CAM hold this distinction for me.  One of […]

The Wettest Year On Record

When asked to write about a favorite painting at the art museum, I saw it as an invitation to reestablish my emotional connection to the art I see. Recently, I find it hard to have a gut reaction to works that I spend time in front of. This is especially true if I sense that […]

Mitchell and Rammelsberg Furniture at the Cincinnati Art Museum

Despite having a PhD in Philosophy and Dr. of Divinity Degree I know very little art history.  As a self taught artist, from an early age, I have had creative abilities in drawing and woodworking.  I draw in pencil or charcoal.  I learned tools and skills from my mother. I was, therefore, immediately drawn to […]