AEQAI Spring Benefit

AEQAI SPRING BENEFIT Thursday, April 17th 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm AEQAI, one of the fastest growing online art journals in America, offers critical reviews, informative profiles and features, and insightful essays and analyses. Join us as we celebrate four years of success and help to support another year of critical reviews, informative reports and […]

Ain’t Misbehavin’

by Stephen Slaughter “Buildering, Misbehaving the City” and KniveandFork Questions and Answers Space and Place The Ordinary and the Banal The objective of architecture is works of art that are lived in.  The city is the largest, and at present the worst of such works of art. Functionalism (to speak roughly of the heroic period […]

Erwin’s Pastels: Recent Portraits Studies of Estrangement and Reconciliation

by Marlene Steele Gaela Erwin, Manifest Gallery Cincinnati Ohio An effect of contrasted light and shadow. Origin Latin: chiaro ‘clear,bright’ + oscuro ‘dark, obscure’  pastel: noun:  a crayon made of powdered pigments bound with gum or resin. adjective: of a soft and delicate shade or color. The interlude where I met Gaela Erwin […]

Epic Epicene: Michael Combs at 21C (Cincinnati)

by Keith Banner In 1964, Susan Sontag wrote an essay called “Notes on ‘Camp’” that still wraps and winds its tentacles throughout culture today.  Basically a survey of “Camp’s” meanings, practices and perversions, the essay reads like a Bible for drag, piss-elegance and artful political incorrectness used to both disembowel and deconstruct the mainstream.  When […]

Expanded Manliness Capsizes Duck Boat at 21c Museum

by Robert K. Wallace Wild Card: The Art of Michael Combs, A Fifteen-Year Survey. One of the attractions Newport-on-the-Levee has brought to Greater Cincinnati is the tourist version of the World War II “duck boat” on which you can cruise the Ohio River.  Those of us who remember the “duck boat” that got run over […]

Xavier University Faculty Exhibit: Artisans of Cultural Change

by Trish Richter February 14 – March 14 Trailing behind the phenomenon of globalization is the individual’s growing awareness of its identity within a politically, socially, and environmentally global community. Old news, yes, but this concept is exponentially significant as the world continues to shift at the expense of both humans and the natural world. […]

The Parable of the Conceptual Artist

by Julie Gross A recent graduate art student was contemplating the ideas set forth in the Bible. As he pondered the depth of the mysterious mind of God he reached for his plenty pack of chewing gum, unwrapped a thin stick of refreshment and carefully folded it into his mouth. As his thoughts were preoccupied […]

High Bespoke

by Fran Watson From the Village to Vogue: The Modernist Jewelry of Art Smith February 14, 2014 – May 11, 2014 Cincinnati Art Museum “Bespoke” was hardly an often-used description of jewelry during the ’60’s when Art Smith created the highly original pieces seen in his current display at CAM, but it now seems to […]

Art of Food Leaves Viewers Hungry

by Shawn Daniell The Carnegie’s eighth installment of The Art of Food has become an extravagant opening night affair. But in the days that follow, the viewing experience becomes anticlimactic and sadly underwhelming. I’ve perused photos of the opening night online. I’ve seen the Alice and Wonderland costumed characters. I’ve seen the exquisite food creations […]

William Messer: Some Women, Some Stories

by Kevin Ott Iris BookCafe and Gallery is an uncluttered but homey café/gallery on upper Main Street. Main between Central Parkway and Liberty has retained its DYI vibe, the bars, restaurants, cafes and retail still feeling a bit less polished than its more 3CDC-ish neighbor, Vine Street. Both are great, but Main Street and places […]