Nighttime Belief: “Cries in the Night” at the Cincinnati Art Museum

by Keith Banner Posh, intelligent and no-nonsense, “Cries in the Night:  German Expressionist Prints around World War 1” (June 21, 2014 to August 17, 2014 at the Cincinnati Art Museum) is both a scholarly tour de force and a pleasure just to look at.  Curated simply with blocks of necessary wall texts contextualizing and expanding […]

A Letter from Charleston, South Carolina

by Kevin Ott The sulfur smell of the marsh, the waves of the Atlantic rolling up onto the surrounding beach communities, afternoon rain showers, the funky smell of the historic downtown streets on a hot, humid day…oh, and the restaurants, and of course, Spoleto. There is much to recommend in a visit to the Low […]

Cluster-Funk: The 2014 Whitney Biennial

by Keith Banner A few months back I went to see the Mike Kelley retrospective at the New York City Museum of Modern Art PS 1 space, and I was floored.  More than floored actually – more like cosmically overwhelmed.   The show was exhaustive and high-style and punk and stupid and hyper-intelligent and mean-spirited and […]

Comfortably Numb: “The Moon Show” at Semantics

by Keith Banner The exhibit currently haunting Semantics Gallery in Brighton is called “The Moon Show,” and it has the stylish quiet and unnerving grace of a palace right after a coup, or a vast suburban mall that’s just about kaput.  The whole thing is about a lot of stuff (fiction vs. nonfiction, art vs. […]

Kay Hurley’s Purely Pastels, Random Acts of Beauty

by Matthew Metzger Kay Hurley’s art has been, quite simply but very profoundly, an exploration of the beautiful. Luminous, tonal, unpeopled landscape has unabashedly been her exclusive “genre”. Her commitment to her art has been steadfast, second only to actually living life. Or more aptly put, perhaps, would be to say she has appropriately combined […]

Roya Ramezankhani B.F.A. Exhibition

by Christine Huskisson Nearly fifteen panels of translucent silk hung at the entrance of the Tuska Gallery for Contemporary Art on the campus of the University of Kentucky. They overlapped in such a way as to block any clear access to the interior of the gallery space that housed the B.F.A. exhibition of Roya Ramezankhani […]

Shall I tell you the secret of the whole world? Painting Parody and Disguise

by Emil Robinson Shall I tell you the secret of the whole world? Painting Parody and Disguise at the Contemporary Arts Center presents a range of painterly practice from sculptural to traditional, conceptual to formal.  As such it is a coup for the Contemporary Arts Center, whose recent presentations can seem to under-represent the current […]

Figurative Extravaganza at Miller Gallery

by Marlene Steele There is a little something for everyone in the Figurative Invitational at Miller Gallery. Their selection of artists, both local and international, accommodates several of the trendy approaches considered current today. Moscow native, Larissa Morais’s oil painting entitled “Solace” captures a beautiful single figure kneeling anonymously behind a black bladed samurai sword. […]

The Un-Gallery

by Fran Watson Once in a great while, people appear who truly care about art and artists.  At 506 Ash this rare miracle has morphed into a highly successful, bottom line-less, mutually advantageous, limited opportunity to allow collectors access to the finest of area art in a most unlikely space. The show-place is, in fact, […]

Trifecta Review

By Mike Rutledge COVINGTON – Viewing Marc Leone’s hanging artworks, one can almost see a planet being formed. Tectonic plates collide. Mountains rise. Lava oozes from gigantic cracks on the planet’s crust. And the craters show striations from millions of years of erosion. Leone, a 44-year-old associate professor at Northern Kentucky University who teaches drawing […]