Deadline for Submissions: April 1, 2012
(note: this is an annual exhibit in book form)

For details on how to enter visit:


The 1st International Photography Annual (INPHA)

A Competitive Annual Publication of Works of Contemporary Photography and Lens-based Art
(and writing about photography and/or light)

$1000 in cash awards

The INPHA 1 book will be released to the public In conjunction with FotoFocus*, a city-wide month-long 50+ venue celebration of the photographic arts to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio (and surrounding region)
in October 2012. The goal of Manifest’s Annual International Publication of Contemporary Photography and Lens-based Art is to support the recognition, documentation, and publication of excellent, current, and relevant photographic art on an ongoing basis. INPHA will become the third in a suite of annual Manifest books charting contemporary art around the world. It joins the International Painting Annual and award winning International Drawing Annual as an important new product of Manifest Press. This project represents a further expression of Manifest’s unique process for assembling diverse and compelling multi-national projects, as well as its commitment to a wide variety of methods for visual creative expression. Upon its release INPHA 1 will be the tenth such major volume in the Manifest Press
library. It will be formatted to complement the INDA and INPA series, and is expected to weigh in at approximately 200 pages full color.

* learn more about FotoFocus here:

Today we swim in a sea of light based life. Whole days and weeks are spent interacting with flat screens beaming information across narrow space into our private lenses and brains. The conduit of our communications is light, by many means and many lenses. This is to such a degree as to make
photography, light based imagery, nearly invisible. It has become like air. We exist so co-dependently with it that we hardly notice. Yet this does not diminish its power nor importance as an art form. By way of the INPHA Manifest aims to attract and contextualize truly exceptional works, those which rise above the every day, which epitomize not only excellent photography (or other lens based work) but exceptional art regardless of the media.

For this call for submissions Manifest is eager to receive works in a wide range of types, including traditional, digital, and experimental photography, video*, and other lens-based work. As with its other Annuals, Manifest is open to unexpected solutions, broad interpretation, and surprise. Works submitted must clearly feature the photographic/lens-based process as a primary, but not exclusive, characteristic.

*note that artists submitting time-based art (video, etc.) must realize that for the purpose of the publication only still imagery will be used to represent the project in print.

The International Photography Annual is open to any artist submitting original works of art created within the time frame of 2009 – 2012. Professionals and students in ALL disciplines are encouraged to submit. Manifest is eager to receive works in a wide range of applications with the qualification being that artwork submitted is representative of “photography or lens-based art” of the highest caliber.

Media (artwork)
Open to any media applicable to the practice of photography or lens-based work, including but by no means limited to traditional, digital/new media, photography, printmaking, mixed media, collage, etc. All are possibly valid.

Submission deadline for entry: April 1, 2012
For details on how to enter visit:


Project History:

In 2005 Manifest launched the International Drawing Annual project. In six completed volumes (the 7th is currently in the jury stage) the INDA has presented over five hundred works by over 300 artists from around the world, and distributed the books far and wide to collectors, patrons, libraries, museum bookstores, art students, professors, and artists. Thousands view the online supplemental resources provided with each publication. The project has gathered considerable following over the past
six years, making the INDA a respected source for a consistent, balanced, and intriguing sampling of excellent contemporary drawing. In 2010 the International Painting Annual (INPA) was launched with project support from The Ohio Arts Council. (INPA 2 is currently in production, also funded in-part by The Ohio Arts Council.) Now 2012 marks the launch of the INPHA.

Manifest’s book and gallery projects have become highly competitive and prestigious events for artists to be involved with. And each new project brings different artists together, with new work, in new ways, and with always surprising results. Furthermore, Manifest’s books are designed and printed with the utmost care and attention to design integrity, making them exquisite documents of the art contained within.

(Previous INDA and INPA books are available for viewing and purchase on the Manifest online bookstore and at

INDA 1 through 6 and INPA 1 (

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