I’m the Venue Manager at the Aronoff for The World Choir Games, which consists of 23 Categories with 8,000 singers.  Bunches of them will be in & out of the Aronoff for rehearsals and performances, and here’s why I thought of YOU. Choirs enter via the 5/3 Theatre Lobby on Main Street, move to one of the Warm Up Rooms (5/3 Theatre or the basement Rehearsal Hall), then through the loading dock (where the stagehand picnic table is) to Stage Left. After the choirs sing, they exit stage right and go directly to the street via the 7th street stage door. Sound familiar? I’d love to have some experienced backstage volunteers to guide the choirs as they enter the venue, warm up, perform and exit.

Each day, 12 or 20 choirs will cycle through the Aronoff. So grab some friends, get a group together.  (2, 4 or 6 or whatever) and register online. I can’t guarantee you’ll have the position I’ve described, but I’ve spoken with the volunteer department and they’d prefer to have at least some volunteers who know their way around. If you’d like to be more involved: I’m looking for Volunteer Captains who can put in additional hours and show other volunteers what to do. Make a note in the comment section of the registration form, and drop me an e-mail:  [email protected]

I’ve enjoyed talking to so many of you backstage over the years; let’s share our Midwest hospitality and love of the performing arts with the world.  It will be a once in a lifetime experience.

What’s Involved

We ask each volunteer to sign up for 3 shifts during WCG. A shift is 6 hours: generally morning, afternoon & evening shifts broken up between 8 am- 11 pm. You may volunteer for more than 3 shifts and you will be mixed in with other WCG volunteers. Everyone must attend one of the scheduled WCG Volunteer Training Sessions, approx. 2 hours.  There are no parking arrangements for volunteers (car pool!), but you will get a free shirt!  The Minimum age is 18 and everyone will go through a routine background check.

WCG Volunteer Training Sessions

Sharonville Convention Center.  Tue 6/19 evening or Wed 6/20 evening.

Northern KY Convention Center.  Sat 6/23, afternoon or evening.

World Choir Games Tentative Operating Hours at the Aronoff

Thur July 5: 8 am – 8 pm Competitions, various categories

Fri July 6: 8 am – 6 pm Competitions; 7:30 pm Evening concert

Sat July 7: 8 am – 8 pm Competitions

Sun July 8: 2 pm Matinee concert; 7:30 pm Evening concert

Monday DARK

Wed July 11: 8 am – 6 pm Competitions; 7:30 pm Evening concert

Thur July 12: 8 am – 6 pm Competitions; 7:30 pm Evening concert

Fri July 13: 8 am – 8 pm Competitions

Register to Volunteer at:


The website has schedules and info on the choir competition categories. All volunteers must register individually, online. You may request specific shifts. Choose “Participant Services” as your preferred department for which to volunteer. Specifically, Backstage Choir Guide at Aronoff Center during Rehearsals, Competitions and Concerts.

In order to separate your registration from the general public

1. Identify your GROUP NAME as Nutcracker (Located towards the bottom of the registration form).
2. Use GROUP CODE Prime.

Thanks, and if you can’t volunteer, at least come downtown and experience the event.  Yes it’s going to be hot, yes parking is difficult.  So what!  It’s going to be incredible.

Volunteer Deadline is May 24

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