Dear Amazing Artist who I think is perfect for this thing,
and/or Art Lover knows some other artist who is perfect for this thing:
This year we are going to expand the number of artisan booths in the annual arty party on Ludlow Avenue – CliftonFest. We’ll have space for thirty 10′ x10′ booths. Reservations have started to come in, and the first checks received will be the artisans who get first choice of position as the event plan is settled in mid summer. So don’t hesitate, sign up and get to making that great stuff you make to be ready for the early holiday sales season.
The sooner an artist signs up, the sooner they can choose their favorite merchant and begin to work on a design for the associated sidewalk space.
Thanks for helping to get the word out!
Jan Brown Checco
CliftonFest Committee
[email protected]
(513) 751-4783