VISTA: An International Exhibit Exploring Landscape in Contemporary Art

“We need nature, and particularly its wilderness strongholds. It is the alien world that gave rise to our species, and the home to which we can safely return. It offers choices our spirit was designed to enjoy.” – Edward O. Wilson, The Future of Life

Landscape: It’s much more than a pretty picture, a view through a window, a morning sunrise, or a forested hillside. Today landscape has come full circle to encompass humanity despite our attempts to subdue, reform, resist, and conquer it. We are finally realizing the limits of our sphere and our connection to it. What was once a vast sea of natural form grown in place through millennia has now been largely measured, marked, peeled back, and defined by the human race. Like some tolerant hidden giant bearing the weight of one species, the Earth and the land it spawned us from defines us, yet quietly defies us. Landscape is where we come to terms, discover hope, and take a broader view. Inevitably it is also where we recognize that the limitation of our landscape is also probably our own; it is a critical vista.

In honor of all the Earth has given and continues to give, Manifest invites artists, designers, architects, and others to submit works to this competitive juried exhibit which will mark the opening of our 10th season of exhibitions. Manifest is eager to present and document a broadly compelling collection of works featuring Landscape as their common theme, and to discover just how artists address the subject in works of art or design today.

This exhibit has no predefined expectation for type, style, or media of work to be considered or selected. Submissions can range from the most traditional to the most conceptual. The only criteria beyond excellent quality is the theme of Landscape, which can range from small to vast, urban to rural, real or imagined.

VISTA will be the only exhibit featured in the galleries to open Manifest’s 10th season!

Eligibility: VISTA is open to everyone. Professionals as well as students are encouraged to enter. Open to artists, designers, architects, etc. The only limitation is that entries must represent original works.

Media: Open to all traditional and non-traditional genre and media, including but not limited to: drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking, installation, video, etc.

Submission deadline for entry: August 27, 2013
For details on how to enter visit:

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