Elk Grove #6




Dayton #65




Cincinnati #9




Cincinnati #12




Akron #2





Lar’s statement:

When I look closely at the world, I tend to see a collection of abstractions. This work is motivated by the possibility that, if enough of those elements can be assembled and arranged, something curious or sublime might emerge. Here, reality is filtered and mediated. This lends a sense of mystery to what lies beyond the barrier, elevating and ennobling it. While the shrouding of these places erases certain visual possibilities, it simultaneously creates interesting new ones, and enables optical performance that changes depending on where the viewer stands.

Lars Anderson was born and raised in Iowa. As a child, he sketched imaginary industrial landscapes and drafted architectural plans for buildings that would never exist. He moved to Cincinnati, Ohio in 2006 and began photographing the industrial realms of the Ohio and Mississippi river valleys in 2007. His current work explores the unexpected visual interest that can be found in manufacturing spaces. His work has been the subject of several solo exhibitions and has been included in various juried group shows and an award-winning publication.

Lar’s website is larsandersonimages.com


Kent Krugh is a fine art photographer living in Cincinnati.








































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